Manufacturer Scandinavian Biolabs

Scandinavian Biolabs is a Danish brand that is creating a real revolution in the laboratory. It aims to help men and women stop hair loss, and baldness, and promote hair growth and life cycle. While there are a variety of products on the market designed to combat hair loss, none of them met the expectations of the Scandinavian Biolabs team. There was nothing left but finally creating effective products. Now for sure.
Research statistics are cruel, with as many as 57% of women and 73% of men under the age of 80 experiencing severe hair loss. And to be even more precise, most of them will face it before they turn 50 years. That’s why the brand decided to help reduce these relentless statistics and create effective products. People facing this problem often claim that the market is full of products that do not deliver on their promises and disappoint consumers again and again.
Rolling hair not only causes discomfort, but also decreases self-confidence, and can contribute to the formation of complexes. The Scandinavian Biolabs are developed to unrivaled quality standards and use naturally derived ingredients. The company tests all the cosmetics formulas that cause continuous improvement.
Scandinavian Biolabs has been noticed by press outlets such as GQ, Women’s Health, The Guardian, Vanity Fair, and Men’s Health, which have been very positive about the developed products and the promising results.
The quality, efficiency, and composition of the product caused you will now find them in our e-shop. "LáRa" goal is to provide our customers with the best-known products.